Hey buddy 👋

This weekend was freaking superior. 🔥
I held a 6-hour workshop known as “Imaginative and prescient Day” for Landsiedel NLP Coaching (the largest Neurolinguistic Programming supplier, in all probability all through Europe).
A dream comes true and I am allowed to supply my 12-week productiveness course at Landsiedel.
It has already been printed and can happen on 17/02/2025. I am so hyped and would like to get began immediately.
Die Produktivitäts-Werkstatt
Die Produktivitäts-Werkstatt gibt dir die Werkzeuge an die Hand, um nicht länger zu zögern und jeden Tag sinnvolle Schritte in Richtung deiner größten Ziele zu unternehmen.

Here is the PROOF!! 😍😍
However wait.
Then on Sunday, like all the time I hosted the 30-minute planning ritual at 7.30 P.M.
60 folks confirmed up.